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General Contracting

D.R. Anderson (DRA) successfully bid and was awarded this renovation project with Metropolitan Community College at their South Omaha Campus. Upon selection, DRA proposed value-engineering options which provided in excess of $40,000 in savings to MCC.

DR Anderson successfully completed this facility for Metropolitan Community College as a link to bring their existing facilities together with a new public library and transportation facility. This building also serves as a student center with public meeting areas and numerous classrooms.

Continuing our relationship with PCS, DR Anderson was selected as General Contractor for PCS’ Weeping Water Mine Maintenance Facility. DRA has previously completed PCS’ Raymond Mill installation, Safe Haven project, Load-out Addition, Quality Control Lab Remodel, and Administration Office Remodel.

The Maintenance facility includes offices for the Mine Foreman as well as conference room, lockers, and a break room for the miners. The maintenance area includes extra thick floors and large overhead doors for servicing off-road haul-trucks and other mine equipment.

DR Anderson was selected as general contractor for another project at PCS’ Weeping water facility. DRA had previously completed PCS’ Raymond Mill installation as well as the Safe Haven project where DRA constructed multiple storm shelters meeting FEMA disaster requirements.

DR Anderson constructed two new public Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling stations and completed upgrades to MUD’s private existing fleet fueling facility. The public filling stations are a first for the Omaha Metro area and when constructed were the only public fueling stations between Chicago and Denver along the I-80 corridor.

DR Anderson has completed another project with the LDS church. This project was a new Meeting House for the Council Bluffs Stake in Glenwood Iowa. Past projects included the Blair Meeting House addition as well as other renovations and small projects throughout the Omaha Metropolitan area.

DR Anderson constructed this building adjacent to the existing IBEW offices and meeting hall. This required careful coordination between DR Anderson’s management team and our client, IBEW. This project was successfully completed in phases without any major interruptions or delays in our clients daily operations.

D.R. Anderson (DRA) was hired to add on to each end of an existing material storage crane way and build a new 80 x 420 foot building over truck and rail entrances. All work was to be completed without interrupting plant operations.

DR Anderson constructed this multi-user jail facility on a tight jobsite without interrupting the operations of the County Courthouse and Sheriff's Office. Once completed the facility integrated the City Police, County Sheriff and County Jail into one facility.

DR Anderson completed this tenant finish on the top floor of an existing office building.  The building’s tenants below included sensitive medical offices so extra care was taken by DR Anderson to ensure construction was completed without disrupting the buildings tenants.


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